Saturday, February 9, 2013

TV Remote Control App for Android Or Apple?

android remote control
 on Download Smart Remote Control Android App
android remote control image


I want a tv remote app for either my android or my apple device. I dont want to buy it and dont want to get anything i need to plug into my device. I have a Magnavox (dont know if i spelled that right) tv and have a HTC evo shift with Google Play Store and a ipod touch 4th gen with the App Store. Do you know any apps that will fit my critera? Thank you

Best thing to do it check the Magnavox TV support site and the Android or Apple apps stores and search for TV remote.

Here is a list of 5 apps that "MAY" be what you can use:

Here is an option for iPad but you need the IR cables.

I can control my Tivo and Ruko box with my Android Phone and Tablet, as well as my iPod Touch. BUt since I have a much older HD CRT TV, I have not found an app that I can use to control the TV, and you may find that your TV will need to be upgraded to one that can be controlled with a smartphone or tablet.

Normal IR Remote Controlled - iPhone/iPod/iPad/Android controlled RC Helicopters.?

Shannon Bo

Hey guys,

Now, with RC helicopters, as I know, there are Infrared Helos that are controlled by their own remote, which have 3CH's, (Channel A,B,C).

Now, there are also IR Helo's that you control from your iPhone or android device. These helos have a little IR adapter that plugs into the headphones port, with IR LED's... Also with the APP you download to control the helicopters, have 3CH, (A,B,C)

Now, My question is, would I be able to use a normal 3CH helicopter (which is controlled by a normal transmitter) with the IR device I would use for the other type of helicopter? and vice versa..

Please help!!!!

"Normal" helicopters - hobby grade radio control helicopters that is, operate on radio frequency. Typically in the 2.4 ghz range. It is similar technology to cordless phones. This is completely different from Infrared so no, the two technologies are completely incompatible.

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